The Registrar is the head of administration of the University and acts as secretary to Council. Council appointed Mrs. Mary Wasiri to be the Acting Registrar at its ordinary sitting on 26th August, 2021.
The administration office oversees the daily running of a number of crucial sectors of the University, including transportation and facilities. It is also the office responsible for security and maintenance of the institution’s infrastructure.
The Registrar’s office provides leadership in the delivery of all day to-day administrative services in facilitating the core business of the University. The office is the hub of all operational services with regard to the academic, administration, communication and marketing, human resource management and student welfare services.
The Registrar’s office also coordinates, monitors and evaluates the implementation of policies, strategies, procedures and regulations for academic and general administration.
The office is secretariat of statutory and ad hoc committees and coordinates the work in various sectors of the University including the cafeteria, the maintenance section, the clinic, the security section, the transport office, halls of residence, and central registry.
The office of the registrar has four immediate subsections. These include
- the office responsible for academic affairs
- the office responsible for communication and marketing
- the office responsible for human resource management and development
- the office responsible for administrative issues, and
- the office responsible for sports and student welfare.
Academic Affairs
The academic affairs office is responsible for matters dealing with programmes and modules at the institution. It acts as the main registry or storage of records related to academic affairs. It oversees student examination and assessment, and acts as the custodial office for examination question papers and scripts. It also handles external examination logistics.
Communication and Marketing
The Communication and Marketing office is a comprehensive, multi-functional communication section comprising Internationalisation, Alumni Relations, Marketing, Communication and broadcast media (Chanco Radio & TV). The office is composed of communication professionals dedicated to promoting, elevating and broadening the understanding of the University and its mission, vision, strategic objectives and values. The Office defines and guides the University’s overall communication strategy and provides expertise to serve the diverse communication needs of the University community. The Office is responsible for ensuring that the University’s reputation is honestly and proactively protected; its heritage and values preserved; and its mission as well as vision strategically promoted to an increasingly broad audience.
Human Resource and Management
The human resource and management office houses records to do with staff employment. It is responsible for managing the university's workforce, and handling matters to do with staff recruitment, retrenchment and pensions.
Student Welfare
The student welfare office keeps records of students, and implements student welfare services in liaison with the Director of Students. This is also the office responsible for providing administrative services for postgraduate students.