The Faculty of Law is inviting applications from eligible candidates to enroll for the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Programme in the 2017 Academic Year. An applicant will be eligible for an assessment exercise enrollment only if he or she: 

  1. Has completed only her or his first year with a grade point average of at least 3.0 in any University of Malawi undergraduate programme; or 
  2. Has ‘3 A-Level' passes with a minimum of 11 points obtained at one sitting; or
  3. Holds a degree with credit from the University of Malawi or from a university recognized by the 
  4. University of Malawi; or 
  5. Holds a diploma with credit from a tertiary institution recognized by the University of Malawi. 

Applicants other than students of the University of Malawi must enclose relevant documentation to prove their academic qualifications. 

All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee of K10,000.00 in the case of applicants who are students of the University of Malawi, and K15,000.00 in the case of the rest of the applicants. The processing fee must be deposited into the following bank account: Faculty of Law, National Bank of Malawi, Zomba Branch, Account Number 299863. Applicants should enclose proof of their deposit together with the application letter. 

Applications should be sent to the following address: 

Attention:  Dean of Law
Chancellor College, 
University of Malawi, 
P.O. Box 280, 

The closing date for all applications is Friday 10th February, 2017. 

Eligible candidates will be short-listed for an entrance examination which will be held on a date to be announced. The Faculty will not acknowledge applications that do not meet the minimum criteria specified above.