Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into Doctoral degree programmes (PhD) in Curriculum and teaching studies tenable in the Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum and Teaching Studies (CATS).
Programme details
- PhD Curriculum Studies (Language Education)
- PhD Curriculum Studies (Science and Mathematics Education)
- PhD Curriculum Studies (Social Studies Education)
Mode of study for all programmes is by research. All programmes are tenable within three to four years of study.
Interested candidates should possess a good Masters degree with Education as main area of study. They should also have experience of working in education or education related area.
The mandatory costs of the programmes are as follows:
- Local students: US$3,500 per year
- SADC region students: US$4,000 per year
- International students: US$6,000 per year.
Other related costs including book allowance, field research costs, medical cover etc, are borne by the student.
All applicants are required to indicate how they will finance their studies. Those sponsored should include a letter of commitment from the sponsor. Note that this is a full time PhD research programme of study and students are not expected to reside on campus. However, they will be required to meet with a supervisor from time to time.
Application Procedure
An application dossier should include the following:
- A detailed CV;
- An academic transcript;
- Certified copies of certificates;
- Three letters from traceable referees (two of which shall be academicians);
An application fee of MK6,500 should be paid into the Chancellor College, Faculty of Education National Bank of Malawi account no 1124463, Zomba Branch (Enclose the deposit slip).
Preliminary enquiries can be made directly to Curriculum and Teaching Studies Department on telephone number 0993425995 or by email:
The application dossier should be sent to:
The Registrar, Attention Postgraduate coordinator CATS,
Chancellor College
P.O Box 280, Zomba,
Applications should arrive not later than 31st October, 2015