Theme: Rethinking the Humanities in Twenty First Century Africa
The Faculty of Humanities at Chancellor College has organised a two-day international conference to be held at Chancellor College, Zomba, from 10th – 11th November 2015. The conference whose theme is “Rethinking the Humanities in Twenty First Century Africa” aims at aims at addressing questions relating to the relevance of the humanities in our modern world. The humanities are constantly portrayed as not important in national development when in actual fact any meaningful development cannot neglect the humanities. Subthemes for the conference include:
• Indigenous knowledge and modern day challenges
• Indigenous languages in the global village
• The classics in the modern times
• Rethinking and reinventing the artistic past
• The humanities and national development
• Critical thinking in political and social leadership
• The humanities and technology
• The humanities and issues of governance
• The humanities and issues of gender, sexuality and identity
• Ritual, religion and the arts
The conference has attracted participants from universities in Malawi and the region as well as scholars from universities in the United Kingdom and United States of America.
The conference is open to members of staff, students, experts in various fields and the general public. Local participants will be required to pay a registration fee of MK2000 while international participants will pay US $50.
For more details contact:
Dr Japhet Bakuwa
+265 888 879 248/ +265 997 295 953
Email: humanities-conference2015@cc.ac.mw