Notification of Intention to Award a Contract: Ref. No. G29-01-24

In line with section 48 of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act No. 27 of 2017, the University of Malawi wishes to notify the general public and all bidders that participated in the procurement proceedings for the supply and delivery of Desktop Computer all in One, Laptop Computers and Mac book Pro laptop computers that evaluation process was finalized and the University intends to make contract award follows:

Lot No.

Name of Contract

Procurement Reference Number

Procurement Method

Successful Bidder

Contract Price (MK)

1,2 and 3



Supply and delivery of Desktop Computer All in One, Laptop computers and MacBook Pro Laptops




Open Tender National Competitive Bidding


SELLIES Enterprise. P.O.Box 956 Zomba




All queries should be made to the University within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of first publication through the following e-mail:


The Chairperson

Internal Procurement and Disposal of Assets Committee

University of Malawi

P.O. Box 280

