The Department of Geography, Earth Sciences and Environment, previously called the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences (GES), was established in 1965 at Chichiri Campus, Blantyre. When Chancellor College moved from Chichiri Campus in 1974 to Chirunga campus in Zomba, the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences moved along and continued to offer different geography-related courses. The department offers courses in three main categories namely: human geography, physical geography and geological sciences (earth sciences).
In 1984, the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences introduced a research unit for all population issues which was called the Demographic Unit. In addition to being a research unit, all courses related to population studies which previously were taught within human geography, fell under this unit. The Demographic Unit was then offering courses to third year and fourth year students on population-related topics. This gave students a chance to practically work on population-related data for various analyses. The United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), as a major stakeholder on population issues, came in as a donor. This UNFPA sponsorship enabled the Unit to positively grow in different ways. In 2004, the growth of the Unit led to the establishment of a fully-fledged Department of Population Studies. This change in status enabled it to offer population courses to first, second, third- and fourth-year students. The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences gave birth to such a new department and continues to be very proud of such a growth.
Since 2004, the Department, in collaboration with the Waternet, the University of Zimbabwe and University of Dar es Salaam has been hosting the Water and Environment specialization module of Waternet’s SADC Region Masters in Integrated Water Resources Management. It is in the interest of the Department to continue hosting this specialized module by diversifying its present undergraduate courses. The current trends such as: climate change, globalization, increased urbanization, the growing population, environmental degradation and re-emergence of infectious diseases have implications on human environment interactions at varying spatial and temporal scales. Consistent with the proposed Geology programme in response to the Government of Malawi’s renewed attention towards the mining sector, the need to review the Geography curriculum to address the social and environmental aspects of mining activities cannot be over-emphasised.
The Department of Geography, Earth Sciences and Environment has Human Geography, Physical Geography and Earth Sciences. The Department approaches Geography as an integrated discipline ranging from the social sciences on one extreme and overlapping with the physical and natural sciences on the other end of the spectrum. Geography aims to give students an understanding of the principles and methods of geographical enquiry such as sustainable development, physical planning, environmental governance and management, health planning, policy, policy making and implementation and research. For instance, the geographers help to tackle environmental concerns due to negative impact on pressure on land that is being exacerbated by high population growth, environmental degradation and extremes due to climate change variability.
On the other hand, the Earth Sciences and Environment involve natural resources exploration, exploitation and the environment itself. This department aims to equip specialists with knowledge and skills sufficient to solve the current complex social-environmental challenges and minerals and mining development sector. Therefore, the courses being offered are important for stewardship of natural resources in relation to societal needs for national development.
The Department offers courses to students enrolled in the BSc in Geology, Bachelor of Science (Generic) and the Bachelor of Science in Geography programmes. The Department also has three postgraduate programmes; MSc in Geography and Earth Sciences, PhD in Geography and PhD in Earth Sciences.