For international students, this page provides answers to the most commonly asked questions. We are committed to assisting you with your application process. If you don't find the information you're looking for here, please feel free to reach out to us directly, and we'll be delighted to provide the necessary support and guidance.
Frequently asked questions
As an international student, will I be eligible for any scholarships, awards or loans?
“You will not be eligible for the loan from the Higher Education Loans Board. However, some awards and scholarships are based on academic performance, regardless of citizenship status.”

What can I do to secure accommodation?
“Since students are admitted on a non-residential basis, the university does not guarantee any accommodation. Instead, students are allocated rooms at random. Any successful applicants are advised to seek private accommodation, which is available close to the campus.”
I do not speak the local language. Will this be an obstacle to my learning?
“No. All lessons are conducted in the English language.”
What travel documents do I need to study at the University of Malawi?
“You will need to apply for a study permit physically at the Immigration Offices or online.”
When does the academic year start?
“The next academic year resumes in September 2023”