the groundbreaking ceremony


Whenever we think of the stakeholders of the university, we often think of those directly associated with it at the present time – staff and students. Often forgotten are the alumni that have passed through corridors of the colleges, and who often wish to maintain a relationship with their alma mater. One of the ways of maintaining these links is through giving back to the college in various ways.


The most recent of these gestures is the decision by the Chancellor College 1994 graduating class to generously sponsor the construction of study and rest areas for students. These areas will comprise of benches constructed from wood, metal and concrete, and will to be designed and erected without disturbing the college’s hidden theme of a ‘university in a park’. This is a decision that will prove truly beneficial to the students, especially since most of them do not have proper areas to study and rest in between lectures. Such study areas should also promote and enhance positive social aspects of students’ lives.


On Saturday, 29th April, 2017, the college held a small groundbreaking function for the study areas. So far, three sites have been identified. They include an area next to the car park, a location behind the Sports Complex, and a space next to the Kwacha Hall. They are well shaded areas that should protect students from the harsh sunlight. Additional shrubs and flowers will be planted to enhance their aesthetic appearance. These study areas and recreational parks have been chosen so that they fit within the proposed master plan for Chancellor College.


The alumni were represented by Mr. Jabbar Alide, chairman of the class of ‘94. On the part of Chancellor College, the Principal, Prof. Richard Tambulasi, was accompanied by various personnel from academic and administrative staff.


As a way of expressing the appreciation of the college, the Principal stated that it was important for the alumni and the college to maintain some form of partnership. “When the Yearo wa ‘90” left Chancellor College,” observed Prof. Tambulasi, “there were no students staying in Chikanda, but now, some of them live there. This shows that the college has grown since then, and we need more infrastructure”. He also pointed out that there is more to a “college than studying, and therefore these parks will be important for students’ well-being”.