Barely weeks after a student from the University of Malawi won the Malawi Bureau of Standards Essay Writing Competition, the university has an added reason to celebrate as yet another student has displayed excellence in writing, emerging as the winner of the 2023 SADC Tertiary Institution Essay Competition. Viveck Chimwaza, a 4th year Bachelor of Arts (Humanities) student, was announced as the winner on 17th August, 2023, at the official ceremony of the 43rd Summit of Heads and Government, which was held in Luanda, Angola.

The competition was announced in November, 2022, and called upon students from tertiary institutions within the SADC region to submit essays. Upon reading about the competition on the university website, Chimwaza put pen to paper and developed a persuasive argument detailing the merits of belonging to a regional body such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC). He structured his essay around three poles: the contribution of SADC’s forefathers to the regional integration agenda, the improvement in relationships among Southern African countries, and propositions for furthering the integration agenda, involving every member of the region. The impassioned essay displayed accurate knowledge of the history of SADC, the roles of its founders, its objectives, as well as the legacy of the founders. The young writer points out that one of the things that gave him an edge in his writing was the fact he researched for his essay, and drew upon his knowledge of creative writing.

Having emerged as the winner, Chimwaza shall receive the prize of USD2000. He points out that he feels humbled but also motivated to face any academic and professional challenge. “The win is yet more proof of the universally competitive products of UNIMA,” a jubilant Chimwaza said. He encourages his fellow to develop a positive mindset towards competitions of this nature, to bear in mind that UNIMA offers them the skills they need to succeed.

In the year 2023 so far, students from the University of Malawi have performed impressively in various competitions, within the continent and internationally.