Heads and Deans attentively listening to a presentation during the workshop


It is a tradition at Chancellor College to arrange training workshops for new leadership in faculties and departments.

This year, the college organized a one-week retreat for the new office bearers from 6 to 8 February 2019 at Hapuwani Village Lodge in Mulanje. There were 50 academic departmental heads and their deputies, and 10 deans and their deputies including administrators, directors of centres, and heads of sections who took part in the exercise.

During the retreat, several resource persons made presentations on a number of topics including public procurement and disposal, administrative legal matters, resource mobilization strategies, government policies, organization policy, research and academic publications, overview of the university decision making framework, leadership and management, labor management and relations, organization communication, role of audit in UNIMA, quality assurance, overview of college development projects, ethics, public sector financial management, student academic matters, student welfare matters and SARIS.

External resource persons, among others included Prof L. Zimbiri, Mr A. Chibwana, Dr V. Zimpita, Mr Mchenga and Dr O Malunga. The meeting was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Malawi, Prof J.D.K Saka.