Sports activities are very important among Chancellor College students. They are not just a way of keeping fit—they also enhance social camaraderie.
In that light, the Chancellor College Hawks basketball team organised and hosted an inter-year basketball tournament dubbed “Reboot,” as a way of kicking off the new school semester. According to Hawks member Noel Kalonga, the tournament was conceptualized as “a fun way of strengthening camaraderie among lovers of the sport, who otherwise have very few opportunities to get together and do what they know best: play ball.”
The tournament format was round-robin, with each of the four teams contributing K5,000 to make up the winner’s K20,000 prize money. After all the preliminary games had been played, the fourth year and third year teams emerged victorious, to face off in the finals. The much-anticipated game is to be played in the beginning of March.
We are looking forward to it.