The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) has accredited all of our undergraduate and postgraguate degrees.
Meet our staff
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Social Science Social Work
Bachelor of Social Science Gender Studies
Master of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Social Science in Law Enforcement Management and Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
Bachelor of Social Science Social Work(USAID)
Bachelor of Social Science - Population Studies
Recent Publications | Sociology and Population Studies
Souza, E. Remarriage timing and its associated factors among women in rural Malawi...Read moreMr. Emmanuel Francis Souza : 2023
John, Ben Malinga, and Natalie Nitsche. (2023) “Indirect estimation of the timing of first union dissolution with incomp...Read moreMr. Ben Malinga John : 2023
Njolomole SE, M’baya B, Mandere G, Storey E, Jenny A, Chiwindo T, Nyangu F, Walker D, Muula AS. Strategies to meet blood...Read moreMr. George Jasson Mandere : 2023
The Role of Social Workers in Promoting Environmental Justice For Sustainable Communities From a Government Perspective ...Read moreMs. TSOGOLOLATHU ANGEL ITAYE : 2022
John, Ben Malinga, and Natalie Nitsche.(2022) “Dynamics of Union Dissolution in Sub-Saharan Africa” Population and Devel...Read moreMr. Ben Malinga John : 2022
Adjiwanou, Vissého and Ben Malinga John.(2022) “The Demography of Fertility” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Publ...Read moreMr. Ben Malinga John : 2022
Student Exchange Programmes | Collaborations
Each year, we enthusiastically embrace a vibrant community of visiting students from our partner universities worldwide. If you are interested in learning more about our various programs, we invite you to explore the opportunities available for studying with us.