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Research Areas
Social and African History, Borders and Borderlands, Migration, Labour, Politics and Culture,
Dr Anusa Daimon is a Senior Lecturer in the History Department at the University of Malawi, Chancellor College, Zomba, Malawi and a Research Fellow with the International Studies Group (ISG) at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. A transnational scholar, whose research scope transcends Malawian, Zimbabwean, Mozambican and South African geo-spatial frontiers, Daimon’s research interests include migration, ethnic minorities, labour, citizenship, borders and borderlands in southern Africa. He has published on the aforementioned themes in numerous refereed journals and has also worked closely with the Harry Guggenheim Foundation; the American Council of Learned Societies - African Humanities Program (AHP); the Social Science Research Council - African Peacebuilding Network (APN); and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as a Georg Forster Research Fellow.
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon, (2023), ‘The Rabble-rouser: Robert Sambo’s ICU Stint in Rhodesia’ in Noor Nieftagodien, David Johnson, and Lucien van der Walt (eds), Labour Struggles in Southern Africa, 1919-1949: New Perspectives on the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU) Johannesburg, HSRC Press (2023)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon, (2023), ‘Unfolding Realities of Urbanism at the Margins: Beitbridge (Zimbabwe) and Musina (South Africa) Border Towns as a Single Urban Frontier’, in Nedson Pophiwa, Joshua Matanzima, Kirk Helliker, (eds) Lived Experiences of Borderland Communities in Zimbabwe, Livelihoods, Conservation, War and Covid-19, Cham: Springer (2023)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon and Tinashe Nyamunda (2023), ‘Human and Commodity Smuggling across the Zimbabwe–South Africa Border, 2000–2009’, in U. Kufakurinani, E. Makombe, N. Chimhete and P. Nyambara (eds), Zimboes Never Die? Negotiating Survival in a Challenged economy, 1990s to 2015, BRILL (2023)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon, (2022), ‘Malawian Encounters with the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle and Resultant Identities’, in M. Nyakudya and W. Mwatwara (eds), Revolutionaries and Sellouts in Zimbabwe’s History, London: Routledge (2022)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon, (2022), ‘Cultural Economic Survival under Crisis-Malawian Nyau/Gule Wamkulu Dances and Zimbabwe’s Economic Meltdown’, in Helliker, K., Chadambuka, P., Matanzima, J. (eds) Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe. Cham: Springer (2022)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon, (2021), 'In the Shadows of the Third Chimurenga?: African Migrant Intermediaries and Beneficiaries within Zimbabwe’s Agrarian Reform Matrix', Critical African Studies, 13(2), 183-196 (2021)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon, (2021), 'Settling in Motion as Consciousness: Nyasa (Malawian) Informal Transit across Southern Rhodesia towards South Africa from the 1910s to the 1950s', African Studies, 80(1), 1-20 (2021)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon (2018) ‘Totemless Aliens’: The Historical Antecedents of the Anti-Malawian Discourse in Zimbabwe, 1920s–1979, Journal of Southern African Studies, 44(6), 1095-1114 (2018)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon (2017) ‘Ringleaders and Troublemakers’: Malawian (Nyasa) migrants and transnational labor movements in Southern Africa, c.1910–1960, Labor History, 58(5), 656-675 (2017)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon (2016) Commuter Migration Across Artificial Frontiers: The Case of Partitioned Communities Along the Zimbabwe-Mozambique Border, Journal of Borderlands Studies, 31(4), 463-479 (2016)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon (2016) ZANU (PF)'s Manipulation of the ‘Alien’ Vote in Zimbabwean Elections: 1980–2013, South African Historical Journal, 68(1), 112-131 (2016)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon, (2016), ‘Yao migrant communities, identity construction and social mobilisation against HIV and AIDS through circumcision schools in Zimbabwe’, in Marian Burchardt, Amy Patterson and Louise Mubanda Rasmussen, (eds), The Politics and Anti-Politics of Social Movements: Religion and AIDS in Africa, London: Routledge (2016)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon (2015) ‘Colonial Legacy and Post-Independent Student Activism at the University of Zimbabwe: 1980-2003’, in Seke Katsamudanga and Joseph Mujere (eds.), University of Zimbabwe at Sixty, Harare: UZP (2015)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon, (2014), Politics of ‘Othering’ and the Struggle for Citizenship in Independent Zimbabwe: Voices from Malawian Descendants', in Africa Insight, 44(1), 137-150 (2014)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon (2013) Yao migrant communities, identity construction and social mobilisation against HIV and AIDS through circumcision schools in Zimbabwe, Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 47(2), 293-307 (2013)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon (2012), ‘The Mazwikadei Dam as an Axis of Life’; The Hydropolitics of Dam Construction, Human Survival and Economic Development in Post-Independent Zimbabwe’, in Carolina Bilibio, Oliver Hensel, Jeferson Selbach (eds.), Sustainable Water Management in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics Volume 4, Jaguarao: Unikassel-PGCUlt-UFMA (2012)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon (2010), ‘The most beautiful game or the most gender violent sport’? Exploring the interface between soccer, gender and violence in Zimbabwe, in Jimoh Shehu (ed.), Gender, Sport and Development in Africa: Cross-cultural Perspectives on Patterns of Representations and Marginalization, Codesria: Dakar (2010)
- Book Chapters
Anusa Daimon (2008), ‘Migrant Chewa identities and their construction through Gule Wamkulu dances in Zimbabwe’, in Bahru Zwede (ed.), Society, State and Identity in African History, Addis Ababa: Forum for Social Studies (2008)
- Journal Article
Anusa Daimon (2007), ‘Education in Jando Schools: An analysis of social and moral education during rites of passage in Zimbabwe’, in Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, Special Issue on Historical, Religious and Moral Perspectives, 19(2) (2007)