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Dr. Regson Daniel Chikumbu Chaweza



  • Journal Article
    Kambewa P., Khangamwa L., Masanjala W., Chaweza R., and Manja L. (2022)The Impact of Ill-health on Welfare of Rural Agricultural Households of Teuka Village in Zomba District, Malawi: An Application of the Individual Household Modelling Approach. Malawi Journal of Economics (MAJE) 3(1): 1-13. (2022)
  • Journal Article
    Manja L. , Silumbu E., and Chaweza R. (2022), Determinants of demand for international reserves in the SADC region; African Review of Economics and Finance; ISSN 2042-1478 | 1-28 (2022)
  • Journal Article
    Saddick L., Kaluwa B., and Chaweza R. (2020) The impact of Capital Structure on Profitability of Banks in Malawi; Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol 20(5) (2020)

  • Journal Article
    Kambewa P., Seyama A., Mazalale J., and Chaweza R. (2020) Comparative Analysis of Financial Inclusion Indices: Evidence from Malawi., Asian Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 2(4) (2020)

  • Journal Article
    Chaweza R. and Nagoli J. (2018) Influence of markets on fish farming adoption: The case of Chingale in Malawi; Vol. 13(31), pp. 1606-1612, 2 August, 2018 DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2017.12175 (2018)
  • Conference Papers
    Kambewa P., Chaweza R., Nagoli J. and Kambewa E. (2009) Is Fish Demand or supply a problem to improving small scale aquaculture farmers livelihoods? Lessons from Chingale Development Programe Area Agricultural Research and Development Program (ARDEP) Vol 1: 9-11 (2009)