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Politics and Government

Research Areas

Development Cooperation, Politics of Development, Public Policy, Institutions, Local Governance, Decentralisation,


Michael Chasukwa holds a PhD (Political Science, Political Economy of Development) from the University of Leeds, MA (Political Science) and BA (Public Administration) from the University of Malawi. He is an Associate Professor based at the Department of Political and Administrative Studies and incumbent Head of Department. His research and teaching interests include development cooperation, political economy of development, institutions, public policy, local governance and agricultural policies as they relate to land, youth and development. He is a trained social scientist with knowledge and skills in qualitative and qualitative social science research. Dr Michael Chasukwa was a member of the Tilitonse Core Advisory Group that works on the political economy of interventions being implemented by partners of Tilitonse Foundation. He has carried out consultancies on development, decentralization, governance, agriculture, youth, social accountability with both international and local organizations such as the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organisation, World Vision Malawi, GTZ-Malawi German Democracy and Decentralization Programme, Overseas Development Institute and Malawi Economic Justice Network, Irish Aid, Catholic Commission of Justice and Peace and Tilitonse. Dr Michael Chasukwa is an Associate Professor at the University of Malawi and Head of the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Malawi. Currently, Dr Michael Chasukwa is also a Postdoctoral Fellow and an Erasmus Visiting Scholar at University of Leeds (United Kingdom) and University of Verona (Italy) respectively. He has published in both local and international peer-reviewed journals including International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Peasant Studies, Agrarian South: the journal of Political Economy, Insights on Africa, Journal of Public Affairs, Journal of Development Effectiveness, Africa Review, and Journal of Asian and African Studies.


  • Journal Article
    Chasukwa, M., Kayuni, H., Dulani, B., and Chiweza, A., (2023) Identity Entrepreneurs and Cultural Framers in Contemporary Ethnic Identity Mobilisation in Malawi, The African Review, Brill (2023)
  • Journal Article
    2. Chirwa, G.C., Manja, L.P., Chasukwa, M., Gunde, A., Dulani, B., Kayuni, H., and Chinsinga, B., (2023) Assessing the Relationship between Digital Divide and Citizen’s Political Participation in Africa, Development Southern Africa, Routledge Taylor and Francis Publishers (2023)
  • Book Chapters
    Chasukwa, M., and Banik, D., (2023) “Development Aid Complementarity or Competition? The West and China in Malawi,” in Chavula, H.K., Ngalawa, H., Munthali, T.C., and Dulani, B., (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Malawi Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press) (2023)

  • Book Chapters
    Chasukwa, M., Dulani, B., and Zuka, S.P., (2023) “Development Aid and Institutional Design: Interests and Power Games in Malawi’s Local Development Fund,” in Chavula, H.K., Ngalawa, H., Munthali, T.C., and Dulani, B., (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Malawi Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press) (2023)

  • Book Chapters
    Fisher, S., and Chasukwa, M., (2023) “The Political Economy of Global Health: The Case of Development Aid and Parallel Paths in Malawi’s Health System,” in Chavula, H.K., Ngalawa, H., Munthali, T.C., and Dulani, B., (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Malawi Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press (2023)

  • Journal Article
    3. Chasukwa, M., Kayuni, H., and Msiska,Y., (2022) Malawi's Post-Independence Foreign Policy and its Influence on Development Options: A Historical Institutionalism Analysis, Afrika Focus, 35(2), pp.293-317, Brill (2022)
  • Journal Article
    4. Chasukwa, M., Choko, A.T., Muthema, F., Nkhalamba, M.M., Saikolo, J., Tlhajoane, M., Reniers, G., Dulani, B., and Helleringer, S., (2022) Collecting Mortality Data via Mobile Phone Surveys: A Non-Inferiority Randomized Trial in Malawi, PLOS Global Public Health, 2(8), pp.1-20 (2022)
  • Journal Article
    5. Mdee, A., Dedaa, A.O., Chasukwa, M., and Manda, S., (2021) Neither Sustainable nor Inclusive: A Political Economy of Agricultural Policy and Livelihoods in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia, Journal of Peasant Studies, 48(6), pp.1060-1083, Routledge Taylor and Francis Publishers. (2021)
  • Journal Article
    7. Chasukwa, M., and Tambulasi, R., (2021) Innovations and Technologies in Malawi in the context of Sustainable Development Goals, Journal of African Public Administration and Management, XXVIII (1), pp.120-132, African Association for Public Administration and Management (2021)
  • Journal Article
    6. Kapanga, M., Kayuni, H., and Chasukwa, M., (2021) The State, Traditional Leadership and the Politics of Land Reforms in Malawi, The African Review, 48, 451-475, Brill (2021)
  • Journal Article
    8. Tambulasi, R., and Chasukwa, M., (2020) Institutional Reproduction, Contradiction, and Legitimacy Crisis: The Politics of Policy Design and Practice in Malawi’s Ministry of Health, Journal of Public Affairs, pp.1-11, John Wiley and Sons Publishers (2020)
  • Journal Article
    9. Tambulasi, R., and Chasukwa, M., (2020) Tiptoeing towards a Representative Bureaucracy: Engendering Gender Equality in Malawi Public Service, Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, 5(3), pp.76-92, Sabinet (2020)
  • Book Chapters
    Kayuni, H., and Chasukwa, M., (2020) “Examining Transformation of the Public Machinery in the Context of Public Ethical Values in Malawi: Reforms or Deforms?” in Wallis, M., and Scott, G.K., (Eds) Transformation of Public Administration in Africa, Nairobi: Association of African Public Administration and Management, pp.54 - 71 (2020)
  • Journal Article
    10. Banik, D., and Chasukwa, M., (2019) The Politics of Hunger in an SDG Era: Food Policy in Malawi, Food Ethics, 3(4), pp.189-206, Springer (2019)