School of Law, Economics and Governance

The School of Law, Economics, and Government (LEG) is self-contained in the delivery of its programmes. It is an outcome of the amalgamation of the former University of Malawi: Chancellor College’s Faculty of Law and the Departments of Economics and Political and Administrative Studies. The Faculty of Law had two Departments: The Departments of Foundational Law and Practical Legal Studies. The Departments of Economics and Political and Administrative Studies were part of the Faculty of Social Science. Before becoming part of the Faculty of Social Science in 1988, the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, then known as the Department of Public Administration, was part of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration, which emerged from the Staff Development Institute at Mpemba when the University of Malawi was established in 1965. The Department of Economics is currently the main training institution for economists in Malawi. Since its establishment in 1965 the department has been running its undergraduate programmes, housed in the Faculty of Social Sciences. In 1992, the Department started offering post-graduate courses and it is one of the departments in the University of Malawi with a long history of offering postgraduate courses on a sustainable basis.


  1. Department of Public Law and Clinical Legal Education
  2. Department of Private Law
  3. Department of Economics
  4. Department of Politics and Government
  5. Department of Management and Leadership Studies