The zeal to serve Chanco community well has pushed Chancellor College library to extend their operating hours beyond the traditional 10.00 pm closing time. Currently the library is operating up to 6:00 am during weekdays. This development commenced on 25th September 2017.
According to the Acting College Librarian Brian Sitima Ndau, the decision was arrived at after recognizing the growing needs of students to use the library. He said that after 10.00pm, library uses may access services at the main issue counter, the reserve counter, special collections, the security section and the computer laboratory. He further said that as a library they felt duty bound to respond to students needs of using the library and thought of providing students with more time to study through the extension of opening hours. As a way of ensuring security, all users must display IDs on entry to the library from 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs.
Commenting on the development, Gomezgani Mchawi a student in the Faculty of Law, applauded the college for coming up with such an initiative to accord students enough time to study in the library since they spend most of their day time in class. He added that students’ rigorous academic workloads and busy schedules often leave them with no better choice than to study late at night.
A night visit to the library by the Chanco Bulletin crew around 2:00 am on Tuesday, 26th September 2017, revealed an overwhelming response to this initiative as most reading areas were filled up, more especially the popular ‘Chikanda’ area where student group discussions usually take place.