Chancellor College management therefore recently took advantage of a seminar that was organised by the Labour Rights Organisation (LARO) on “Building Effective Labour Dispute Prevention and Resolution Systems (Practical Legal and International standards)”. The seminar took place at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe on Tuesday 20th September, 2016. Nine members of staff comprising the Registrar, the Assistant Registrar (Human Resource), the Assistant Registrar (Students Welfare), three CCASU Executive members and three UWTU executive members attended the seminar.
During the meeting, a number of matters pertaining to labour practice were discussed. Some of the presented topics included: Emerging issues in key Labour matters and Best Practices to deal with such issues, Industrial Resolutions Court and Labour Disputes Resolution, Labour Conflict Management at Workplace and Negotiation skills at the workplace (workplace cooperation).
The resource persons were Her Honour C. Kamowa of the Industrial Relations Court, Lilongwe and Mr. B.M Chirwa of LARO. The seminar was interactive and all participants gained some insights from the discussions. LARO’s vision is to see a productive and harmonious society well conversant with Human and Labour Rights and ably demand them for social and economic development of the country.