In a bid to respond to the high demand of qualified personnel in information management, Chancellor College is in the process of introducing a Diploma in Information Management program.
During a meeting with stakeholders, which took place on 2nd February, 2018, in the Faculty of Science boardroom, delegates observed that if information is to be well managed then such a program could be the answer to the current situation. It was further observed that
the Diploma program will provide the learners with basic skills and knowledge in library and information studies that will help in efficient collection management and dissemination of information, while ensuring that the information needs of users are satisfied. The meeting drew participants from Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Mzuzu University, The Polytechnic, College of Medicine, Catholic University and hosts Chancellor college.
Speaking on the sidelines of the meeting, Chancellor College Librarian, Brian Sitima Ndau said that information management has become an important resource more than ever before. Access to information has enhanced development in society at large. Ndau further said that it is important to equip all people working in libraries and other information management centers with knowledge and skills to collect, organize, store, retrieve and disseminate information. “The need for middle level information managers is pertinent in Malawi today,” he observed. “However, the majority of those charged with the responsibility of manning these resources happen to be unskilled. Therefore, the Diploma in Information management is being introduced at Chancellor College to cater for these diverse interests at para-professional level.”
Sitima-Ndau said that it is imperative to ensure proper organization and dissemination of information in all institutions for their proper functioning. He noted that this has not always been the case due to lack of knowledge and skills for information handlers. In this regard, the introduction of a Diploma program in Information Management at Chancellor College is quite significant since it cuts across disciplines while being professionally focused. The program is expected to produce information personnel who are marketable, both nationally and internationally.
In his remarks, the Director of the National Archives of Malawi, Dr Paul Lihoma, applauded Chancellor College for coming up with such a program. He observed that in the digital age, the importance of librarians and library science is increasing. “Library professionals are the ones who are completely involved in providing information services to professionals and organizations. In the modern digital age, the need for quality and filtered information has gone up and so librarians have a major role to play. This has increased the scope for library science in this digital age,” he said.
He further appealed to Chancellor College to undertake proper research before implementing the program to make sure that once rolled out, it will fill in the gaps that are there, especially in terms of qualified personnel.
Prospective students will undergo studies for 3 years, with the exception to those who have Malawi Library Association (MALA) certificate, and qualifications related to library and information management.