The Department expects that the Fund will initially target 10 students per year belonging to Faculty of Humanities at Chancellor College. Each student will receive upon qualification a total of K375,000.00 per year as follows: K275,000.00 tuition fees and MK100,000.00 stationery allowances split between the two semesters. The criteria for selecting the students shall include: evidence for financial need, academic merit and character consideration.
The FPA Department decided to respond to the growing need of self-sponsored needy students. Dr Grant Nthala, a member of staff in the department, feels the plight of these “brilliant minds whose academic future remains bleak as they are not assured of their continued stay on campus since they may not even source additional money to sponsor their education.”
As part of activities to mobilize seed money for the Fund, the Department held a music concert on 9th April, 2016, in the Great Hall at Chancellor College.
In her remarks during the event, the College Registrar Mrs Mary Wasiri, thanked the FPA department for the initiative. She then appealed to well-wishers to support the event because it is for a good cause. According to the Fund’s proposal, well-wishers can support the Fund by attending and contributing towards fundraising events, making cash donations to the Fund, sponsoring any number of identified student beneficiaries in part or in full, or by providing short term or long term job opportunities to the student beneficiaries.
The deputy Dean of Humanities, Dr Japhet Bakuwa highlighted that currently, there are over 155 students who are in need of financial support as of semester one of 2015/2016 Academic year.
Faith Mussa, who was among the guest artists expressed his joy for participating in the concert. He particularly urged former UNIMA government-sponsored students to pay back the loans so that the current generation can also benefit from the same.
Dr. Chomora Mikeka, in his role as auctioneer, calling for bids for one of the paintings
A variety of activities spiced up the concert, including art works that were sold on auction, and music performances from various artists, some of which drove people to the dance floor, displaying a variety of astounding dance steps.
According to Mr Andrew Faria, who chaired the event organizing committee, the function was deemed a success, as it attracted support from the corporate world, government officials and individuals of good will. Looking into the future, the FPA department plans to organize similar events. All the resources to be generated from the fund will be fully directed towards student fees and upkeep.