On 29th November, 2023, fourth-year students from the Physics and Electronics Department in the School of Natural and Applied Sciences at the University of Malawi visited the National Bank of Malawi offices in Blantyre. The purpose of the visit was to engage with Information Communication Technology (ICT) professionals, gaining insights into the challenges faced in the field that require technological solutions, and to acquire first-hand experience from the experts.
During the sessions, students had the opportunity to visit various departments, including the section responsible for automated teller machines (ATMs), and power supply. They also visited the Data Center. These sessions proved highly engaging as students observed the composition and functionality of the ATM, gaining insights into its working mechanisms. Furthermore, students acquired knowledge about the best room temperature required for the installation of ATMs and were informed about the challenges that may lead to ATM malfunctions.
In addition to this, students learned more about online transactions, including common errors faced in this domain. Finally, the students visited a room housing batteries with the aim of observing the ideal temperature for the efficient functioning of Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems.
The class representative, Hayless Guwende expressed gratitude to the NBM management for granting the students a golden opportunity to learn from them, despite their busy schedules. They pledged to do their best to generate brilliant innovations.
“We are brilliant, hardworking, and determined students, known for our creativity and innovation. All we need is financial support for our brilliant ideas to be implemented,” she said
Concluding the event, Mr. John Mitchell, the Head of the ICT department, commended the students for their active engagement throughout the sessions. He emphasized that providing this opportunity to the students is a way of exposing them to firsthand information. Mr. Mitchell stated that the department is prepared to sponsor innovations, and if the students are ready to propose solutions and original ideas, the department is open to welcoming them. He encouraged the students to identify gaps and strive to become more innovative.
After the sessions, students were able to identify some of the problems faced by the departments they visited. With their creative and innovative minds, they have begun to think of possible solutions to these problems.