In its endeavors for capacity-building, collaboration and internationalisation, the Department of Higher Education and Professional Development Department (HEPD) has been engaging the Higher Education and Human Development Program unit under the Centre for Development Support, University of Free State, in the Republic of South Africa for the establishment of formal collaboration in different academic and research areas for our mutual benefit. The centre is strong in academic research and winning research grants in African higher education research.
The HEPD Department stands to benefit from such a collaboration, which, among others, would include joint bidding of research grants, staff exchange, skills sharing, and capacity building. Following conversations the department has been having with the leadership of the Centre for Development Support, it was agreed that there be an exploratory visit to our department by University of Free State staff towards formalization of the collaboration. The centre sent Dr. Faith Mkwananzi from the Higher Education and Human Development Program unit for a three-day visit to the HEPD Department from 26th September to 28th September 2023.
During the visit, she conducted a Research seminar with the HEPD Department for two days. On the third day, there was a day-long grants writing workshop that drew participants from across the other schools outside the School of Education.