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Dr. Mufunanji Willard Moffat Magalasi

School of Arts, Communication and Design

Research Areas

Drama and theatre aesthetics, Cinema in Africa, Theatre for Development, Development Communication, Development Broadcasting, Popular Culture in the postcolony, Gender and representation, Indigeneity and aesthetics of performance and being,


Mufunanji Magalasi was trained at Afrika Cultural Centre and University of Witwatersrand as an entertainment and community theatre for social development artist and practitioner. He holds a PhD from Universities of Malawi and the West of England, Bristol. He has taught in institutions of high learning for the past 29 years, including University of Witwatersrand, University of Leeds, University of Malawi and has been a Visiting Fellow at Cornell University, New York, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, and University of Dar es salaam . He has published a monograph, Stage Drama in independent Malawi, 1980-2002, apart from Beyond the Barricades, a collection of contemporary Malawian plays. He has also published peer refereed articles in numerous journals including Journal of Southern African Studies, Journal of Humanities, Transformation, African Performance Review, Journal of Development and Education Studies, the Gauteng Arts List, apart from multi-disciplinary journals on development studies in the areas of Agriculture and society. As a consultant, he has done numerous social development fieldworks with IDRC, CIDA, UK AID, EU Horizon 2020, Save the Children International, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation, to name a few. Former Head of Fine and Performing Arts, and Dean of Humanities, he coordinates Postgraduate Programmes in the area of Theatre and Media Communications in Development. He has collaborated with counterparts from Tuscia University, Italy; Wegenengen University, Netherlands, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Cornell University, Leeds University, University of Zimbabwe, Haramaya University, Ethiopia to name but a few. He is presently the Lead Researcher for the Parasport Against Stigma on People with Disabilities (in Malawi), collaborating with the Institute of Media and Creative Industries, Loughborough University, London, and Deputy Editor in Chief for the Journal of Humanities.


  • Journal Article
    Akambadi J., J. Noske-Turner, M. Magalasi. 2023. The Paralympics as a tool for communication for social change: audience perceptions, affect and the social change potential in rural Malawi, COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE (Forthcoming) (2023)
  • Journal Article
    Jessica Noske-Turner, Emma Pullen, Mufunanji Magalasi, Damian Haslett (Forthcoming 2022) "Paralympic broadcasting in the Global South: Sport, Media and Communication for Social Change" Special issue of "Communication and Sport on “Sport and Mediatization: Sports Events and Cultures Across the World,” (2022)

  • Journal Article
    This is forthcoming article (2022)
  • Book Chapters
    Damian Haslett, Jennifer Wong, Sheila Mogalo, Emma Pullen and Mufunanji Magalasi, Disability, Sport and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Ed. Holly Colison et. al. Handbook of Sport and International Development (Forthcoming) (2022)

  • Book Chapters
    This is forthcoming 2022 (2022)

  • Journal Article
    Haug, R.; Mwaseba, D.L.; Njarui, D.; Moeletsi, M.; Magalasi, M.;Mutimura, M.; Hundessa, F.; Aamodt, J.T. Feminization of African Agriculture and the Meaning of Decision-Making for Empowerment and Sustainability. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8993. su13168993 (2021)

  • Journal Article
    Haug, R.; Nchimbi-Msolla, S.; Murage, A.; Moeletsi, M.; Magalasi, M.; Mutimura, M.; Hundessa, F.; Cacchiarelli, L.; Westengen, O.T. From Policy Promises to Result through Innovation in African Agriculture? World 2021, 2, 253–266. (2021)

  • Journal Article
    Branca, G.; Cacchiarelli, L.; D’Amico, V.; Dakishoni, L.; Lupafya, E.; Magalasi, M.; Perelli, C.; Sorrentino, A. Cereal-Legume Value Chain Analysis: A Case of Smallholder Production in Selected Areas of Malawi. Agriculture 2021, 11, 1217. agriculture11121217 (2021)

  • Journal Article
    Produced through Horizon 2020 Innov Africa Food and Nutrition Security of the European Union (2021) agriculture11121217
  • Journal Article
    Cited by 2 scholars and distributed through World ( Journal of Agriculture) and CGIAR space (2021)
  • Journal Article
    Full text views 827, Abstract views 930 (2021)
  • Patent
    Staged a 2 part Theatre for Development play at Likhomo Group Village, Chiradzulu, GVH Malili, TA Malili Lilongwe and Group Village William Ngwenya, TA Mbelwa, Mzimba on Paralympics Broadcast and Parasport and stigma on people with Disabilities for Parasport Against Stigma Research Project, FPA, University of Malawi in October, 2021 (2021)

  • Patent
    Staged a 2 part Theatre for Development at T.A. Malili Headquarters on Disability and stigma, and Disability and sport in October 2021 (2021)
  • Patent
    Staged a 2 part Theatre for Development performance on Disability and Stigma and Disability and sport at Group Village William Ngwenya, TA Mbelwa, Mzimba October 2021 (2021)
  • Performance(director)
    TfD performance at TA Malili in Lilongwe on 19th October 2021 (2021)
  • Performance(director)
    TfD performance at William Ngwenya, Edingeni Mzimba on 27th October 2021 (2021)
  • Patent
    Staged a three part Theatre for Development Play in Dowa on "Young people's sexual reproductive health and their choices, their future commissioned by National Forum for Youth Development (NFYD) overseen by Ms. Agatha Njunga. 2020 (2020)

  • Patent
    Staged a Theatre for Development play on "Young people and contraceptives' in Ulongwe, Balaka commissioned by CAVWOC overseen by Mrs. Thokozani Chimasula. 2020 (2020)

  • Performance(director)
    TfD Performance at Nkukula Mtunthama for National Forum for Youth Development in Dowa in November 2020 (2020)
  • Theatre Production(director)
    Nsomba Nchuma TfD performances at Mbvunguti Mangochi, Gundo Salima on 17th and 18th October 2020 (2020)
  • Patent
    Staged a Theatre for Development play in Mbvunguti, Mangochi; Gundo, Salima; and Nkhotakota Boma for fish traders on Financing of new improved processing and marketing technologies for small fish, for Nsomba Nchuma, Department of Economics, Chancellor College, overseen by Principal Investigator, Prof. Levison Chiwaula. 2018 (2019)

  • Patent
    Conceptualised and edited two issues of a community newsletter for Nsomba nchuma's Improved processing and marketing of small fish from Lake Make Malawi, overseen by Principal Investigator Levison Chiwaula, Department of Economics in 2018 and 2019 (2019)

  • Patent
    Staged a 3 part Theatre for Development performance on "Minimal Intrusive Tissue sampling (MITS) as autopsy for miscarried babies amongst women of Kersa", Kersa, Harar, Oromia, Ethiopia, September 2018, Commissioned by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in collaboration with Haramaya University, overseen by medical anthropologist Dr. Caroline Ackley now at University of Essex, UK (2018)

  • Patent
    Conceptualised, wrote, directed and toured with a development communication documentary for Fish Processors and Traders on "Improved fish processing and marketing" in the fish landing sites of Malembo, Madzedze and Msaka in Mangochi; Lifuwu and Chikonde in Salima, overseen by Department of Economics - Prof. Levison Chiwaula and Wordfish Centre Malawi Director Dr. Joseph Nagoli. (2018)

  • Patent
    Conceptualised and produced a community boradcasting radio jingle for Lake Chilwa Basin Consortium of LEADSEA, Worldfish Centre Malawi, and FRIM on "Awareness raising on the drying of Lake Chilwa" played in areas around Lake Chilwa like Swang'oma and Mpoto etc. and was broadcast on Chanco Radio. (2018)

  • Theatre Production(director)
    The performance was reviewed for radio Oromia, and the Deputy Minister of Health commended in in his twitter post (2018)
  • Journal Article
    Rachel Bezner Kerr  · Sera L. Young · Carrie Young· Marianne V. Santoso · Mufunanji Magalasi  · Martin Entz Esther Lupafya  · Laifolo Dakishoni  · Vicki Morrone  · David Wolfe · Sieglinde S. Snapp, Farming for change: developing a participatory curriculum on agroecology, nutrition, climate change and social equity in Malawi and Tanzania Journal Agriculture and Human Values, (), 1-18 DOI 10.1007/s10460-018-09906-x (2017)

  • Journal Article
    18 citations amongst others from University of North Carolina, US, Cornell University, US, (2017)
  • Journal Article
    Cole, Steven M.; Kaminski, Alexander M.; Magalasi, Mufunanji; Nagoli, Joseph; Binauli, Lucy. 2017. Gender transformative change in Malawian and Zambian fishery value chains : gender outcomes. IDRC * CRDI Canada (2017)

  • Journal Article
    y Steven M. Cole, Alexander M. Kaminski, Mufunanji Magalasi, Joseph Nagoli and Lucy Binauli. 2017. Gender transformative change in Malawian and Zambian Fishery value chains, IDRC CRDI Canada (2017)
  • Patent
    Took the role of Film Assistant Director (Dialogue Coach) in Netflix's Chewetel Ijiofor's "The Boy Who Harnessed the wind" on location in Kasungu in September to November 2017. (2017)

  • Performance(director)
    TfD performance at Chawe Church Likhomo Village, Chiradzulu 19th October 2021 (2017)
  • Journal Article
    Conceptualised and edited a community newsletter for Nsomba Nchuma in 2016 on Improved Fish processing and Marketing of small fish from Lake Malawi (2016)

  • Patent
    Directed Lusizi Kambalame's play, "The Last Proposal" Reviewed by Bright Matonga, Malaw1 24, Nov 20, 2016 (2016)

  • Patent
    Wrote, directed a Television Report for participation at the 2016 Trade Fair in Blantyre by Nsomba Nchuma alongside the Department of Fisheries, overseen by Dr. Joseph Nagoli of Worldfish Centre (2016)

  • Performance(director)
    Conceptualised and produced a radio and public meetings awareness jingle for Lake Chilwa Basin Adaptation Programme consortium of Worldfish Centre Malawi, LEADSA and FRIM 2016-08-10 and was additionally played for a week on Chanco Radio (2016)
  • Performance(director)
    Conceptualised and produced a radio programme for Nsomba Nchuma on improved fish processing and marketing on small fish from lake Malawi in 2016 (2016)
  • Theatre Production(director)
    This is a play I directed in 2016 and was published by Reviewer Bright Matonga (2016)

  • Journal Article
    Magalasi, M. 2015. Factors affecting the growth of the Malawian film industry, Journal of Development and Communication Studies, 4(1): 18-32 DOI: pp. 161-177 (2015)

  • Journal Article
    Cited by amongst others scholars at University of Malawi, University of Georgia US in Literature, Humanities and Film Studies (2015)
  • Book
    Stage Drama in independent Malawi, 1980 - 2002, Chancellor College Publications (2012)

  • Book
    Beyond the Barricades: collection of contemporary Malawian plays, Chancellor College Publications (2001)

  • Patent
    Conceptualised, wrote and edited Nsomba Nchuma, a newsletter for Fish Processors and Traders, distributed in Mangochi, and Salima overseen by Prof. Levison Chiwaula. ()