Staff from the School of Education (Chancellor College) and Saint Andrews International High School pose for a picture


In 2018, Chancellor College and Saint Andrews International School signed an MoU, which would see some students from the college going to practice at the prestigious school.

In February, 2019, officials from the two institutions met in order to share notes on the first cohort of trainee teachers. This cohort included Priscilla Gondwa and Charlotte Banda, who were attached to the History and Biology departments respectively.

The two students started their attachment in September, 2018, and finished in December, 2018. By the time they went to SAIntS, they were fully qualified teachers as they had finished their Teaching Practice and were waiting for their graduation.

The two students were integrated into the staff environment at SAIntS, and alongside other members of staff, they attended INSET on Teaching and Learning for the first two days. They were also assigned mentors in their departments.

The school expressed appreciation that the two students were able to start teaching faster that they had been expected to. They displayed creativity and confidence in their classes. They were involved in all aspects of school life, such as acting as form teachers, participating in house activities, and boarding.