Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theology, Dr. Hermann Yokoniah Mvula, on 3rd December, 2022, celebrated the publication of his new book, Beyond Good Intentions: Th­e Bible’s Mandate for Good Governance, at a book launch function which was held at Mwambo Lecture Theatre at the University of Malawi.

Mvula explains more about the content of his book: “The book is about good governance which must be seen beyond the angle that our Constitution instructs duty-bearers to uphold it. Rather, beyond the confi­nes of the Republican Constitution, the Bible through its ethical principles and moral values mandates good governance for the well-being of the governed.”

The book is intended for a general audience, from the academia, the Church, as well as members of the general public. The scholar’s research has, in the previous years, been in politics, political processes and governance issues. However, he has maintained a perspective through the lens of the Bible.

The publisher, Montfort Media, organized the book launch as a way of increasing its publicity. Mvula points out that his choice for Montfort media as the publisher was deliberate. “Since this publisher has an angle in the political history of Malawi, I found it ­fit to have the book published by them, since the book is contributing to politics, political processes and democratic governance in Malawi, whose history cannot be narrated without mentioning Montfort Media, whose great work in publishing the Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter in 1992 cannot be erased from the annals of Malawi”.

Mvula is also the author of Christians in Active Politics and ­The Th­eory, Praxis and Pursuit of Constitutionalism in Democratic Malawi. He also co-edited Decolonizing the ­Theological Curriculum in an Online Age as well as ­Theology in Malawi.