

Purpose of the Job To coordinate postgraduate studies in a manner that ensures that quality control regulations and procedures are strictly adhered to and high academic standards are maintained

  • Key Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Initiating, formulating, interpreting, enforcing and reviewing postgraduate studies rules, regulations and policies.

  • Coordinating and monitoring the running of postgraduate programmes to ensure quality control and the maintenance of high academic standards.

  • Facilitating post-graduate curriculum reviews and tracer studies.

  • Liaising with Executive Deans of schools to establish priority areas and recruitment of students and external examiners for postgraduate studies.

  • Facilitating research skills training for both students and faculty through research workshops, seminars and consultative meetings.

  • Reviewing existing postgraduate programmes offered either by the University or through the University.

  • Assessing the viability, quality and accreditation issues of new postgraduate programmes.

  • Coordinating the consideration and processing of postgraduate student research proposals, theses and dissertations.

  • Establishing and maintaining a databank of postgraduate programmes and students.

  • Marketing of and mobilising resources for postgraduate programmes and students’ scholarships.

  • Facilitating internal and external linkages for student placement and general partnership.

  • Coordinating selection, admission, and assessment of postgraduate students.

  • Preparing reports.


Minimum Education Qualifications and Experience

  1. PhD

  2. Five (5) years’ of relevant experience



Application letters, copies of certificates and detailed curriculum vitae with three traceable referees should be submitted to:


The closing date for receiving applications is Friday, 2nd June 2023.


Only shortlisted applicants will be acknowledged.